Sunday, January 30, 2011


I missed a session due to illness. I've combined what I heard about that session and a couple the following ones as well as they fit a similar theme. Okay, it's really because I want to catch up to where we are now.

In the session I missed, Ith reunited with the party. Our droid wandered off during that session. The player was frustrated with the whole hacking incident and decided he was done. One of the party members found a safehouse to let Yossa, Baniss, and Neela recuperate from their injuries. During this time, the bite Yossa received from the sand tick began to cause him some issues. Ith tried to discretely use the force to heal a party member. No one in the party noticed.

When I returned the next week, three days had passed. Baniss and Neela spent the whole session unconscious last week due to their injuries. They ended up doing the same this week. Ith tended to them as well as the feverish and delusion Gungan. Our GM had Yossa's player make wisdom checks to comprehend what other characters were saying.

Yossa awoke. He looked around, not recognizing any of the characters due to his delusional state. Ith was the first to notice.

"Lie down, you've been shot," she said.

Yossa misunderstands you. Lie down or I'll shoot you? What's going on?

"Weapons?" he asked.

"In the corner," Ith replies.

Yossa's player looks to our GM after failing his wisdom check. "I think she means the galactic core, don't I."

The GM chuckles. "No, you think she means the core rulebook."


"Yossa's having an existential moment."

Ith's player speaks up. "A Deadpool moment?"


Back in character, Yossa says, "Give me weapons!"

The reply he hears: "When you can stay straight and tell me who you me and arm specifically ons."

Loudly and slowly, he tries to repeat what he said before, "Give. Me. My. Wans!"

She replies slowly, "Tomorrow. Go leap." (She said sleep.)

He staggers to his feet. Ith pushes him back onto the bedle.

"I'll tie you down if I need to!"

He stands again and punches her.

Bishop yells, "Don't you dare!" and raises his gun. "Get out of the way, Ith! It's set!" (He added "for stun" on the end, but Yossa misses that.)

"I don't care!" Ith won't budge.

"Fine. Have your fun."

Yossa stumbles toward, but trips and hits his head.

The next day, Yossa remembers nothing. The Rodian is up but only barely. She tries to aid in restraining Yossa. He punches her hard and she goes down again. Ith sedates him. Again, Bishop spends most of the day cleaning his weapons and inspecting them to make sure they are in working order.

The next day, he's tied down. "Fever. Delirious. Rest," is all Ith says to him.

All Yossa remembers from the previous day is aggression.

"What do I see?" Yossa's player asks.

"You think you're in Gungan Valhalla," the GM replies.

"What's that like?"

"You're surrounded by Gungans. Gungans with beards."

"I'm died?" asks Yossa.

"Rest," says Ith.

The next day, Baniss awakens. His first action is to insure his bed is moved away from the delusional Gungan. We end the session there. The GM tells us to level up our characters for next session.
At the beginning of the next session, Ith brings him up to speed. She tells him of Shiv's betrayal, conveniently leaving out that he has planted information indicating she planned the explosions used as a distraction during the prison break. The Imperials suspect Rebel terrorists. Baniss doesn't believe her.

Baniss begins to panic. Did the Imperials tamper with his gear? Did they put tracers in his comlink or his datapad? Did Ith and Bishop pay for the safehouse in hard credits or did they use credit chips linked to their personal accounts? "I bet they will be tracing my comlink!" he exclaims. He intends to find someone on the streets to sell it to.

"I can take care of that," Bishop says. He grabs the comlink from Baniss, lays it on the table, and shoots it with the ion pistol. The comlink explodes. "Oops. I thought that would disable it."

We have a brief debate with the GM. Most of us understood that ion weapons disabled electronics. Turns out, the comlink took too much damage.

Our GM loves to have our group make paranoia checks because of the results they bring. I'd prefer to roleplay my characters reactions instead of the dice making my guys act out of character, but the checks sure makes things interesting. Due to the result, Baniss is now certain that, not only did Shiv not betray us, but Ith is also a serial killer.

Baniss decides it's best not to annoy the maniac. We skip over the next two days the characters spend recovering. By this point, Yossa has recovered from his illness. As Baniss gets directions from Bishop to a place where he can buy a datapad under the table and trade in his current one, Yossa leaves on an errand. The directions take some time and Baniss can't write them down. That's what a datapad is typically used for.

As Yossa rounds a corner, an Imperial squad car rushes down the street. He doesn't see it. By the time Baniss starts to leave on his errand, a stormtrooper has set up an E-web blaster across the courtyard from the safehouse. The Empire has found them and they've brought the big guns!

Next time: Shootout at the OK Hiding Spot.
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Monday, January 10, 2011

Jailbreak, part 2

A lone Kel Dor waited at the docking platform.

That could have gone better,
Ith thought. He said the others would be here soon. I think they will want to hear who framed Baniss.

As Neela, Yossa, and Baniss reached the bottom of the stairs, Neela gasped, grabbing her chest and falling to the floor.

House rule: If you don't have your character sheet, your character is stricken with a sudden medical condition rendering them unconcious until the sheet is produced. If a reasonable amount of time has past and you still can't find it, the character dies of a heart attack. In this case, Neela's player couldn't be there and had not ensured her sheet was there.
Six stormtroopers had just re-entered the complex. A U-shaped reception desk stands just in front of our heroes. Yossa and Baniss sprint to cover behind the desk as the stormtroopers duck behind nearby stone benches. Baniss pops up and fires off a shot, drawing a hail of return fire.

"Stay down!" said Yossa.

Before Baniss could react, a blaster bolt catches him in the shoulder. He was down for the count. Yossa swears and remains behind cover. After several moments, he hears the clatter of stormtrooper armor approaching. Yossa jump ups and lets two energy balls fly with his atlatl. One finds its mark. Four more troopers reach Yossa. Wielding his atlatl like a club, Yossa smacks one across the helmet. Two fire into that melee. Yossa makes a radial attack. A blaster misfires and a trooper goes down. Another loses his grip on his rifle and it slips from his fingers. (Game mechanics note: fumbles are awesome!) Yossa is now in melee with two troopers and three more stand within firing range. Blaster fire strikes Yossa as two troopers charge at him. Cue ASP-707. He lets loose a blast with a flamethrower. The trooper's armor looks crispy, but he's still on his feet. Yossa thumps a trooper on the head, dropping him. The droid takes a swing at another trooper. He's down! Only one left! The last one fires point blank at Yossa, scoring a hit. The mighty Yossa lapses into unconciousness. A final strike from the droid is all it takes. The ASP droid retrieves the final trooper's blaster rifle, and fires into the man's head. He then does the same to the other stormtroopers. He then pulls his black cloak out of the collection he looted from the evidence room and puts it on.

He scoops up the three bodies and carries them outside. Bishop spots him and pulls up. "Throw them in the back!"

After the droid does so, he slides into the front seat. "Drive," a metallic voice under the hood says.

A few kilometers out, sirens sound behind them. Three patrol aircars in pursuit. The ASP flips a switch and the roof of the speeder tumbles into the never-ending depths below. He takes his rifle and fires off a barrage at their pursuers.

Just then, the radio crackles to life. It's Shiv! "I do believe you have outlived your usefulness." With that the radio shuts off. So does the engine.

Bishop miraculously puts the craft down as gently as a crash landing from several stories can be.

[Extra remarkable because Bishop has but a single skill point in pilot. He rolled a natural 20! Baniss is now one hit point away from death. He needs to make a fortitude save to survive. He is awful at those, so I mentally prepare myself to bring in a new character. Everyone else does the same. I need a 15 or better on my d20. And we have an.... 18! An 18! We're all still alive!]

The crowds descend upon the crashed speeder as soon as the bodies are dragged from the wreckage. All the patrol cars passing over them see is the usual mass of people found at that level on Coruscant.

The droid points at a nearby store. "Fix them and I'll get info," he says and walks into the crowd.

Bishop ignores the orders, deciding instead to keep an eye on his comrades. Dragging three unconscious bodies around while shopping looks suspicious.

No one has shown up yet. An impatient Ith is leaning against the wall. Suddenly, she hears steps coming down the hallway toward her. Metallic boots. And lots of them. This is not good. Maybe I need to check a computer. She walks off in the other direction in search of the nearest terminal.

What she finds there shocks her. Out the window, she sees a plume of smoke. I need to get out of here! A rebel attack! And they're calling me the mastermind? Shiv, you Sithspawn!
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